Aug 28Liked by J.E. Petersen

I mean, what would change the next day? Nothing. And I'm not in the subset of people that would spend all my time trying to get into the rarified group of people that met them.

BUT... if there existence was public, and we had ever captured anything of theirs, there would probably be pressure to release alien tech to the public. Not only would the alien tech be a huge boon, but it also might shock us out of a scientific and technological slump of the past 70 or so years. So, I imagine there would be some big changes by the end of our life times... even if there wasn't widespread, direct contact with the aliens themselves.

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Yeah, but longterm there are always going to be big changes, right? If we compare the world now to the one we were born in...it's practically apocalyptic.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by J.E. Petersen

Of course, if they're already here and among us, clearly we're living the lives we lead irregardless, hmm? But...what if we could ask them what THEY THINK about the choices we're making? What if they're smarter than us? That's not much of a stretch. What if ... I don't know ... we were humble enough to get some good ideas and work with them, rather than dissect and/or ignore them? We can't even seem to do that with folks outside of our own cities or countries, so I guess the questions are rhetorical.

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Aug 30Liked by J.E. Petersen

Yes I’ve always said this to Jay when he asks “What if aliens ____?” What if they do? It wouldn’t change a thing for me.

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Aug 29Liked by J.E. Petersen

I have been thinking about this for the past few hours, and continue to do so because I am convinced it would change my day to day, even if only a little in some aspects.

To be revisited once I have more time

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