Aug 28Liked by J.E. Petersen

"Lately, I’m beginning to think that rather than lifeless particles, the universe might actually be made of meaning and intent, energies corralled by agents, and for a purpose. It also seems evident to me that we participate in this creation, our bodies and brains a collaborative manifestation of these intentions and purposes.." This brings to mind an 1878 book (https://archive.org/details/PrinciplesOfLightAndColor) I've been reading (which I'm only in the 4th chapter) and his ideas of purpose in all things, seen and unseen and all things naturally adhere to Natural Law. Brilliant.

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I'll have to check this out!

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by J.E. Petersen

Beautiful thoughts! Someone once said to me that he was afraid that if he believed in God all of the mystery and wonder of life would dry up. This reminds me that the very opposite is true--there is so much out there--so much!

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There's never been any shortage of mystery and wonder for people who are curious and open-minded.

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Aug 27Liked by J.E. Petersen

Love this <3

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