Sep 23Liked by J.E. Petersen

Very fun! I don't know if I'll be able to join but I'm excited to hear how it goes!

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Sep 23Liked by J.E. Petersen

Sending you lots of positive thoughts and best wishes! It is well worth the effort, I believe, because no matter what the outcome, you will be learning and always improving your craft. I am in the trenches with you!

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Oh woot!!!!!! Let’s see, I’m in Central so that’s 8:30 for me? My best days at that time are M W Th, or weekends, barring random appointments that do happen regularly but not weekly. So excited for your next phase! Because no matter how you do it, YES. This story needs to be found by people who adore it as much as I do. I’m a fan of accountability partners. Ping me wherever. Let me know.


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I totally would, but don't think I can be productive at that time of day (1am). I'll pretend I'm there and commit to sitting down at a different time if you let me call on you for accountability? I published Chapter 1 of Journey to Kyron the other day, and now I'm shitting so many bricks, I don't know if I can handle it.😭 But your essay sounds just like where I'm at, so I think I just have to focus on the story and the joy I get from it and push on. Somehow.

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