Love how how deep we’re careening into the rabbit hole.

To mix metaphors, it feels like they’re pulling the hair out of their shower drain, but instead of finding more hair, finding another dimension.

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Mmm the delicious shower hair dimension...

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How fun! I wanted Thea to put on Reg's clothes at one point to basically become the opposite (Shadow of her head and nothing else, whereas Reg would have no shadow of his head, but would of the new clothes)

Also perhaps I misunderstood, but the shoes Reg was wearing still had their shadows? Interesting.

This cliff-hanger is probably my favorite so far. The build up of having other kids experiencing something apparently similar, all the way to the final sentence ... can't wait for the next one

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I like the dramatic mood shift, but I might say for my own taste the tempo of the dialogue and the excitement of discovery seems to drown out some of your more immersive language from the prior posts. I don't actually know if that is correct or why I feel that way I'm just trying to put my finger on the feeling.

But I am definitely looking forward to the next one

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This is getting fun man, I can't wait to see where it leads!

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