I would much rather read something you actually cared about, whatever the frequency may be. Holding yourself to a publishing schedule will lead to work being rushed in order to have something to release. Quality over quantity.

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I have found my twin and it is J.E. Petersen! I feel the same

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Feb 29Liked by J.E. Petersen

“People expect less of you than you think.” Great reminder! Its corollary is also powerful: “People think of you less often than you expect.” Sounds depressing, but actually gives you a tremendous power to unexpectedly delight!

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Mar 1Liked by J.E. Petersen

"bigger audiences, more predictable publishing cadences, and clearly delineated topics of focus?" We don't need no "bigger audiences, more predictable publishing cadences, and clearly delineated topics of focus!"

Honestly, I'm still here because you don't have that stuff. I mean, you can get a bigger audience if you want. As long as you don't forget the people that were here for you when you were small.

Our podcast will cheer you up this weekend. We are freakin' delightful.

In the meantime, be gone demons and sore phlegmmy throats. Be gone!

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I’m a fan of “publish worthwhile stuff, when it’s ready.”

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Feb 29Liked by J.E. Petersen

So true! We waste so much time and resources on our own inner, misguided, loud and pushy demons!

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Feb 29Liked by J.E. Petersen

Those little head demons are the worse!👹 I was also thinking of doing a reader poll to ask what they want and have opted against it too (for now…).

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Wow this felt like a journal entry of mine but way more eloquent

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Publish whatever and whenever.

Can you Americans please stop using cadence incorrectly? Please?

It's a Substack thing. All Americans on the platform, which means nearly everyone, insists on using certain words inappropriately.

It's a schedule. You're talking about a fooking schedule.

On the other hand, if you want to tell us that no one likes the cadence of your voice, fine, you can tell us that.

Rant over

Thank you.

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