May 22Liked by J.E. Petersen

It is crazy how when you are enveloped in news it feels like the only thing that matters, and when you take a break you feel like none of it matters

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True! This is the best argument against paying any attention to it.

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Partisans group up, and ignore alternative views. This is almost the definition of stupidity

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We're tribal animals, it's baked into our DNA. Takes a lot of effort to resist and follow our better angels.

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There's such a thing as pride.

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Meaning pride in not following the crowd

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I read the news I want from a variety of places and leave the rest. I can't tolerate tv news. I have more joy in my life now because politics isn't life.

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May 22Liked by J.E. Petersen

I used to feel like it was important to know what was going on Like knowing and talking about it changes anything. What a waste of my time and energy. Giving up any addiction brings a little bit more peace in to our lives.

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May 25Liked by J.E. Petersen

Mainstream media, alternative media, social media, video games, smartphones, movies, tv shows, tasty food, internet shopping, bah, who needs narcotics when I can get all this unlimited dopamine by clicking a mouse or tapping a screen.

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Digital dope is the ultimate narcotic.

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"They'll have to pry my phone out of my cold dead hands."

We're there already. Chipped and falling down stairs.

"And I can stop any time I want... it's not like I have a problem or anything."

Does anyone know of a digital dope exit strategy just in case. Asking for a friend.

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May 23Liked by J.E. Petersen

Dude! It's crazy how I can get yanked around so easily by these big news outlets. I don't consume them often but if it's on at a friend's or relatives house and I hear it - I feel extreme emotions almost immediately. I think the fact that it’s designed to instill such a strong, emotional response almost immediately is evidence of what you’re saying.

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So true! My own interests and anxieties shift as I age and my life circumstances change, so the particular flavor of political porn that tempts me also changes, but there's always something that will trigger that kind of response. I do think I've gotten better at ignoring almost all of it, though.

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May 23Liked by J.E. Petersen

Property porn. 😁

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Especially for those of us who are probably doomed to be lifetime renters...

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