Are you trying to tell me it is possible to go a day without writing? I... am truly shaken to my core. Is such a thing actually possible? While I'm aware that there are a wealth of experiences, and people live drastically different existences, I never imagined that someone might go a whole day without writing at least something... Updating notes, perhaps, or writing a short story, or putting together a radio series proposal, or creating an entire toy line, or starting a several million page database on a niche topic...

I know I have a problem. You don't need to point it out.

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Sounds like you're a happy freak of nature. Or, in other words, one of the rare people who actually keep the world spinning. Good on ya!

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That... actually serves as the best description for me.

I put in 120 hours a week churning out words, so my social life is a mess, my insomnia is as bad as it has ever been, and there's blessed little opportunity to tackle all of the things which I would (under other circumstances) like to try. I can't remember the last holiday I had - actually switching off and being in the moment, rather than trying to figure something out - and all my journeys are to pick up reference material for increasingly esoteric facts.

I've been to Canterbury maybe twenty times over the years, but I've only actually been in the cathedral twice. I normally end up in the city to pick up a rare book, or have a conversation with someone who possesses some vital piece of information I need, and then get back on the train. I've never actually walked around old ruins of castles, despite having travelled up to Scotland three or four times a year for various work-related reasons.

And yes, writing is work.

It's awesome work, and I wouldn't give it up for anything, but it's not something anyone ought to aspire to without being in full knowledge of all the things they will be passing up.

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May 23Liked by J.E. Petersen

For me the easiest way to start a new habit is to pair it with an old habit - I know that is likely mentioned in every habit book but, merry christmas

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And a happy new year!

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