Feb 16Liked by J.E. Petersen

Reality is the opposite of a metaphor. Someone said that reality is that which bites you in the ass when you don't believe in it.

1. For me, not Rivendell. It's the hardness under the feet, the fluid coolness in the nostrils, the dark and the light, the sounds, the hot and the cold.

2. For unblinding, meditation. That is, quietly observing sensations and mental events, noting the associated perceptions, chains of association, and feelings to get an understanding of how the “enchanted world” is fabricated.

3. Favorite connections with the “real world”: walking, dogs, and, somewhat paradoxically, mathematics.

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Feb 16Liked by J.E. Petersen

The second I get my hands on an Apple Vision Pro, I’m going to comment on this post from that

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Feb 16Liked by J.E. Petersen

Funny, I just picked up the remote, while reading this, and clicked off whatever I was about to watch as I drift off to sleep.

Having managed to get COVID (AGAIN), along with some bacterial infection, after a couple of different bouts with the flu since November, as many of you can relate, being sick has been my annoying “new normal,” SO, I’ve been too tired to do much of anything except audiobooks (👍🏻), TV & mostly forgettable movies. Showering has even been exhausting.

Thanks for the reminder that we already live in Rivendell, Narnia, or what-have-you. Get back into it.

The thing is, I normally have a gift for noticing what’s around me. It comes naturally. Even cleaning a less-than-perfect dwelling endears it to me, reminding me it’s not really a chore. I used to go places as a kid, like the zoo, and then come home and try to draw every animal I could remember…when do I do that kind of thing now??

Usually, I pick my homes, wherever they are, based on their interior lines, how the light plays inside as the sun makes its way across the horizon, what I can see and smell and hear ... Here in Yuma, AZ, land of dust and dirt, those lovelier realities are always there, every moment of everyday.

As energy returns, right around the corner I can walk & watch 2 of the happiest dogs on the planet run free in the desert while I soak in the vision of an ever changing kaleidoscopic sky and nearby foothills of mountains.

My place in Indiana is surrounded by the most glorious scenery, ancient trees, and classy old homes anywhere, and walking my dogs puts me in a paradisiacal peaceful place.

Going out with the dogs, besides an excuse to sightsee and exercise = interacting with other humans and getting to know my neighbors.

Tonight, as I’m tapping in this comment response to your post, I’ve noticed the light fade and the scent in the air subtly shift as evening returns.

Thanks and good night.

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Feb 17Liked by J.E. Petersen

I'm glad you're using brain protection.

I want to suggest you and your wife share a notebook space. Or maybe a bigass flipchart that you can't miss when you're wandering toward your devices. You'll see each other's notes and progress and that could be inspiring. Or you could just fill the flipchart with love notes. In code if you don't want your kids to understand them. 😉 Inter-marriage love memos are always a good use of company time.

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You speak my language brother. Great post.

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