Aug 6Liked by J.E. Petersen

Fun to test and learn the length of time needed for different situations/people

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Jul 25Liked by J.E. Petersen

Good strategy for dealing with tantruming children too (to avoid ending up having a tantrum yourself!) Although 5 mins is probably all you get.

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Our youngest (2) is usually totally inconsolable when she's throwing a fit. As in, absolutely nothing will pacify her. Any effort just aggravates her more, to the point that she'll swing her arms so hard she falls over, which makes her cry harder. (This is even funnier than it sounds.) Often the only option is to walk away and let her figure out how to calm herself down.

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Jul 25Liked by J.E. Petersen

Great "nooner" Jordan. You're correct - a 30 min cool off - go to your corners strategy works! The key is setting a timer, so one doesn't forget the most important part - a positive follow-up discussion. FYI - it works with dogs and people.

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It's all behavior management in the end!

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At last, I get why my wife sometimes leaves me there, goes away and comes back after 30 minutes. :-D

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And now you can do it, too!

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