A little more about why the Jackson perspective appeals to me so much. Honestly, most modern young boy meets girl, “sparks fly” cliches or bestial-driven stories leave me detached, disgusted or alienated.

This chapter revealed a refreshingly real human experience--a uniquely appealing mixture of crippling insecurities and surprising intellect with even more unexpected ideas.

As a somewhat cynically experienced liver-of-life & reader, I was delighted as my cynicism evaporated and naturally, eagerly connected with how Esther might notice, and be drawn to this charmingly awkward, sincere and insightful Jackson.


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Apr 21, 2023Liked by J.E. Petersen

Two parts especially tickled my brain in this:

First, “‘Or what we might look like given a few dozen generations on a different planet.’

‘Maybe we were wrong about how evolution works?’”

And second towards the end, “A galaxy full of familiar people”

Obviously this is something most of us have at least considered or heard about, and it is fascinating to be alive at a time when space travel is becoming more and more accessible to everyday people.

Are “aliens” humans who escaped long ago and are evolutionarily on the same track? Are they a different species altogether? Are both of these true and it depends on the aliens you find? Is this all a simulaSean?

Fun stuff to be reminded of going into the weekend.

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I have not been getting these emails, which is annoying. But it was absolutely the brightest spot in my dismal Monday to discover I have 3 more chapters I get to read.

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Too many savory parts to quote them all here, but I got so wrapped up in this chapter!

I loved getting a glimpse inside of Jackson, how Esther gravitates closer and then inexplicably drops the connection between them.

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