Jul 4Liked by J.E. Petersen

It might not count, but avoiding work on something which is particularly tiresome, complex, or (in edge cases) requiring an immense amount of prior research before writing a particular part in order not to seem blind to something obvious, can be overcome by writing something else, and seeing if there's a workaround. Or going off and doing an entirely different piece of writing until the thorny project becomes so overwhelmingly glaring that it's time to knuckle down and tackle it.

I'll admit that I am weird, and often find myself writing several things at the same time, so the problem sometimes becomes finding time between writing other things to tackle whatever it is that I'm conspicuously not writing - there are about eight unedited novels, requiring cuts to bring them down to a reasonable length, right now, which I've been avoiding by writing just about anything else I can imagine.

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Procrastination comes in all shapes and colors. At the root, it is simply the avoidance of something you subconsciously believe is the Actually Important Thing.

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Jul 2Liked by J.E. Petersen

I just prefer early procrastination. Doing things immediately instead of doing them at the last possible second

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That, sir, is not procrastination. That is the opposite of procrastination. You may, if you wish, call it *reverse* procrastination.

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