Philosophical Science Fiction
I read a lot of novels, and a lot of books about how to be better at life. If I had to pick the two authors who have had the greatest influence on me, they might be John Steinbeck, who wrote East of Eden, and David Allen, who wrote Getting Things Done.
Dispatches from Inner Space is the place where my passions for philosophy, science, and fiction meet up to have jam sessions.
After publishing two serialized novellas (Shadowloss and Root Two), I wrote Fiction v Nonfiction, which is the formal introduction to the idea that great novels are just as powerful a tool for personal development as nonfiction books about personal development.
My primary focus right now is a novel-in-progress called Arch/Eternal, which is a work of — you guessed it — philosophical science fiction. Think Dune meets Harry Potter, with more than a little inspiration from Dan Simmons (if you haven’t read his Hyperion Cantos, you need to).
As you read, you might have thoughts (mostly because that’s how brains work). I hope you’ll share them.